Review & Approval

Share your videos instantly and get real time feedback!

Share your videos instantly and get real time feedback!

Share your video instantly

Share videos instantly with team members or stakeholders for review. Easily invite members of your team, add collaborators via email, or just share a link to the review page.

Share videos instantly with team members or stakeholders for review. Easily invite members of your team, add collaborators via email, or just share a link to the review page.

Get feedback in real time

Reviewers can play back your video on dedicated review page. They can leave comments on the video overall or specific points in the video. You will see their feedback in real time.

Reviewers can play back your video on dedicated review page. They can leave comments on the video overall or specific points in the video. You will see their feedback in real time.

Make revisions on the fly

You can use Scenery's editor to make any necessary edits, marking comments as resolved along the way. The video is updated immediately as you edit. No need to render an updated video.

You can use Scenery's editor to make any necessary edits, marking comments as resolved along the way. The video is updated immediately as you edit. No need to render an updated video.

How to share a video for review

Switch to Review mode

Click the "Scene Review" tab in your project.

Share with reviewers

Click the Share button and invite reviewers via email or just copy the link.

Receive feedback

Reviewers will be able to play back the video and leave comments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can I invite to review my video?

Anyone. It's easy to invite people from your team on Scenery, from an email address, or by just sharing a link to your review page.

Can I limit who has access to my video?

Yes! When you share your video for review, you decide who has access to your review page.

How will I know if I receive feedback on my video?

You will see any comments in real time as they come in. If you're offline, no problem. Scenery will send you notifications via email as users leave comments.

Video review and approval is just one way to use Scenery

Scenery is your one-stop solution to building social media marketing videos, product demos, and educational content. In addition to cropping videos in Scenery, you can edit your video, add transitions, import royalty-free stock media, manage your content library, and more--- all remotely, with your team.

Try Scenery for your next video project

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